Step 2.
Install each packing ring individually, staggering the joints.
Begin the first ring with the joint at the 2 o’clock position. Seat the ring firmly against bottom of stuffing box OR against the PackRyt® Sealing System Bearing if applicable. Use a tamp tool to ensure the packing is fully seated before installing the next ring (do not use other new packing rings to push in new rings).
Ring joints should be staggered 180° apart for a two ring set, 120° for a three ring set, and 90° for a four or more ring set. Example: For a three ring set, joints should be at 2 o’clock, then 6 o’clock and finally at 10 o’clock.
TIP: There are 30 degrees between each hour. 360 degrees divided by 12 hours equals 30 degrees.