What Can Failed Packing Tell You About Your Pump's Health?
When the mechanical packing in your pump fails, don't toss it in the trash before analyzing the reason for its failure. Evaluating your failed packing can help you determine everything you need to know about the health of your pump, like:
● Are you using the right type of packing?
● Is the speed correct?
● Are the mechanics of the pump working properly?
Plus, It can also indicate if you have the proper amount of flow, flush, and pressure.
How to Evaluate Failed Packing
As you remove the failed packing from your pump, you want to pay careful attention to the order in which it was installed and the point of failure. This allows you to identify where in the stuffing box your issue exists.

Embedded Solids

Inspect your packing rings for solids embedded in them.
Pump Health Indicators:
● Solids present in the flush
● Inadequate or lost flush pressure
● Loss of gland load
Solids in the packing cause degeneration and create leak paths. Ensuring intimate contact during installation, along with adequate flush volume and pressure, can reduce this failure mode.
Burnt Packing

Burnt packing appears glazed or has a shiny carbon buildup caused by heat. It's usually found in the corners or along the edges where it contacts the shaft sleeve.
Pump Health Indicators:
● Inadequate packing material for the shaft speed
● Insufficient flush volume and pressure
Ensure the packing used can withstand the shaft speed, process temperature, and has adequate flush.
Brittle Packing

Brittle packing is hard, dense, and inflexible.
Pump Health Indicators:
● Incompatibility with processed media
● Embedded solids due to lossof flush
● Steaming of flush from inadequate volume or pressure
● Over tightening of the gland
To reduce this occurrence, select proper packing for the media's solid content, ensure adequate flush, and follow proper maintenance procedures.
Packing Extrusion

Packing extrusion is often caused by improper clearances between the box, gland, shaft, and lantern ring.
Pump Health Indicators:
● Top ring ID extrusion: Indicates excessive clearance in the gland ID.
● Top ring OD extrusion: Indicates a worn or improperly sized gland.
● Bottom ring ID extrusion: Indicates excessive shaft runout, worn bearings, or a worn box throat.
● Extrusion around the lantern ring: Indicates the lantern ring is improperly sized.
Inspect the gland, stuffing box bearings, and ensure proper sizing of the lantern ring to improve packing performance.
Soft Packing

Soft packing is characterized by torn or fractured fibers.
Pump Health Indicators:
● Wrong fiber type for the application
● Damaged shaft sleeve surface
● Over-tightening of the gland
● Embedded solids in the packing
● Oversized packing in the stuffing box
● Shaft movement due to cavitation or failed bearings
Soft packing can also be a sign of chemical attack from the process. Inspect the removed packing for fiber wear and check for glandadjustment. Select packing with the appropriate pH level for the process to fixthis issue.
The Importance of AnalyzingFailed Packing
Analyzing failed packing is necessary for diagnosing any issues that might exist with your pump. You can significantly reduce the meantime between failures, extend the life of your pump and its parts, and lower the maintenance effort required by getting ahead of these problems.
High-Quality Mechanical Packing
SealRyt® designs and manufactures the highest quality braided packing in the industry. Our products regularly out-perform the competition because we engineer our packing specifically for the application.
If you want to learn more about pump seals, mechanical packing, failure points, or any rotating shaft sealing questions then contact one of our engineers. We have been sealing shafts for over 20 years in all types of industries.